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Angular options

Angular options

Use this sheet to specify how Angular resource file is localized.

Context method

Specifies how Soluling creates context values. Possible values are:

Value Description
id attribute value Context value is the value of the id attribute.
Original string value Context value is the value of the original strings.
Meaning value Context value is the value of the meaning property. This is visible only if you resource file contains meaning attributes.


Specifies scan related options.

Value Description
Remove leading and trailing white spaces

If checked Soluling trims strings. This means removing leading and trailing white spaces. For example if this is checked and you have following HTML

<source> This is a sample  </source> 

Soluling will extract the value as "This is a sample" instead of " This  is  a  sample ".

Normalize white spaces

If checked Soluling normalizes strings in resource elements. This means removing multiple soft white spaces between each two words. For example if this is checked and you have following HTML

<source>  This    is    a     sample</source> 

Soluling will extract the value as " This is a sample" instead of "This     is    a     sample".

You should avoid using multiple soft white spaces together in an element value because they do not mean anything. HTML renderer will ignore them.

Use id when there is a duplicate meaning or value If there is a duplicate meaning or value id value use id attribute as context value.
Log duplicate meaning values Write a warning if the context id is duplicate.
Note! Angular's extract tool generated id attributes are always unique. This has effect only if the context method is either meaning or original string value.
Log missing meaning values Write a note if the context method is meaning and there is no meaning property.