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Write options

Write options

Use this sheet to set the write options.


Specifies the active configuration. You can add any number of configurations. This makes it possible to create multiple output files with different properties easily.

Localized element value that is written when there is no translation

Specifies the action that is taken if there is no translation. Possible values are:

Value Description
Fallback value
A fallback value is written.
Empty value
An empty value is written.
Skip element
The element is not written at all.

Let's have a sample. We have an original XML and JSON files.

"one": "One", "two": "Two" }

We are building Finnish version and we have translation for One (Yksi) but do not have translation for Two. If the value is Fallback value we will get the following output:

"one": "Yksi", "two": "Two" }

The first item is in Finnish, but the second in English, which is the fallback value in this case.

If the value is Empty value we will get the following output:

"one": "Yksi", "two": "" }

First item is in Finnish, but the second is empty.

Finally if the value is Skip element we will get the following output:

"one": "Yksi" }

The first item is in Finnish, but the second item does not exist anymore.