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Import Wizard - Options

Import Wizard - Options

Use this sheet to specify the import options.

Import method

Specifies how importing is done. Possible values are:

Value Description
By context Importing is done by context values.
By value Importing is done by the original values.
By context first then by value Importing is done in two phases: first by context and then by value.

The above combo box is visible only if the import source contains context values compatible with the application. Most import files do not contain a compatible context and can only be imported by value. Context values are present when importing Soluling project files or TMX, XLIFF, text, or Excel files that contain Soluling's context values.

Check Import only strings if you want to import only strings value. All other values, such as color, number, etc., are ignored.

Check Import translations where the translated value equals the original value if you want to import translations equal to the original values.

Check Import empty translations if you want to import those items that contain empty values (e.g., no translation).

Check Import only if both context and original values match if you want to import only those values where both context values and original values of the import source match those in import target. This option is available only when importing is done by context (not by value).

Check Use partial context in addition to full context if partial context matches are accepted in addition to full context value. Check this if you have changed the structure of the original files and the context value has been changed since you sent the file to be translated. This option is available only when importing is done by context (not by value).

Check Clear existing coordinate override if the import file does not have one to clear an exiting coordinate override (translation) if the import file does not contain one. This option is available only when importing is done by context (not by value).

Matching options

These options specify if strings having less than perfect match are imported. This group is visible if you import by value.

Check Use reduced matching to use reduced match if a perfect match is not found. This might enable you to import more translations.

Check Use fuzzy matching to use fuzzy matching to find a matching string. Fuzzy matching is used only if a perfect or reduced (if checked) match is not found. By default Use fuzzy matching is not checked. This option is available only when importing is done by value (not by context).

Check Use first fuzzy match if you want that application to use the first match it finds. Checking this will make importing faster, but it may not find the best possible match. If unchecked, application will find all possible matches and chooses the best match (e.g., highest fuzzy percent).

Fuzzy percent specifies the fuzzy matching percentage that you want to use. The fuzzy match percentage of strings must be equal or higher to the percentage set here. If several items reach this percentage, then the application chooses the one that is highest (batch mode) or let the user to select (interactive mode). The default value is 70%. It means that all fuzzy matches greater or equal to 70% are counted.

The Filter specifies if the fuzzy process is using filtering. Calculating a fuzzy percentage is a rather complicated task. If it is done for all available items, it might slow down the process. So filtering is done. It reduces the amount of fuzzy calculation needed. Possible filter values are:

Value Description
Low filter (Slow)
Default. Minimal filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches for the likely possible items. It might slow the process, but the result is the most accurate.
Medium filter (Faster) Some filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches only for suitable candidates. This is faster than above but might not detect all matches.
High filter (Fastest) A lot of filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches for only for the most suitable candidates. This is the fastest but might not detect all matches.

Overwrite method

Specifies if the current translations are overwritten. Possible values are:

Value Description
Current translations are never overwritten.
If status is higher The current translation is overwritten if the status of the import translation is higher than the status of the current translation.
If status is same or higher The current translation is overwritten if the status of the import translation is at least the same as the status of the current translation.
Always Current translations are always overwritten.

The default value is If status is at least the same.

Check Confirm overwrite if you want that each overwrites will be confirmed first.

Import translation status

Specifies if the translation statuses are imported. Possible values are:

Value Description
Do not import translation status.
Yes Import translation status.
Set status to Set the translation status of imported translation to a specific value.

Check Even if the status is lower if you want to import a translation status that is lower than the current one.

Note! This is visible if the import source contains translation status values.

Set the status of imported string to

Specifies if the translation statuses are set for all translations that are imported.

Note! This is visible if the import source does not contain a translation status value.

Other options

Specifies if other flags are imported.

Check Import maximum string length value to import the value of the maximum length flag.

Check Import Locked and excluded status to import the locked and excluded flags.

Check Import flags to import other flags such as Invalidated and Time flags.


Specifies if row and translation comments are imported. Possible values are:

Value Description
Do not import
Do not import comments.
Import if there is no comment at the moment Import if there is no current comment value.
Overwrite the current value Import comments. Overwrite existing value if any.

Import translation review statuses

Specifies if the translation review status is imported. Check the review status type or types (if you have more than one) you want to import.