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XML options

XML options

Specifies additional options to choose what XML items to localize and how to localize.


This group specifies how XML data is parsed.

Check Keep original formatting to keep white spaces between elements unchanged. Checking this will ensure that localized XML files use the same indent and newlines as the original file, thus making the output files looking similar.

Check Remove leading and trailing white spaces from the element values to remove leading and trailing spaces from the element and attribute values. If checked, " This is a sample " becomes to "This is a sample".

Check Detect string format and use an appropriate parser checkbox if you want that the parser detects the format of each string and if it does not contain plain text but some other format such as HTML, then apply the appropriate parser to parse the string.


This group specifies how XML entities are processed.

When the XML file is parsed, the predefined entities (e.g., &) and local entities (defined in DOCTYPE section) are always processed. Check Read file entities to read also entity definitions that are not local but are stored in an external file.

Check Use entities when writing to write entity elements when writing. If unchecked, only the predefined entities are used. All other characters are written as plain characters.

Localize attribute

Specifies the values of the localize attributes.

Positive values field contains the positive value of the localize attributes. Separate multiple values by semi-colon (;). The default value is true;yes;1.

Negative values field contains the negative value of the localize attributes. Separate multiple values by semi-colon (;). The default value is false;no;0.

Check Localize only those elements that have a positive localize attribute if you want to localize only those elements that have a positive localize attribute.

String options

Check Scan strings that contain only URLs checkbox if you want to scan those strings that contain only URL names such as ""

Check Scan strings that contain only email addresses checkbox if you want to scan those strings that contain only email addresses such as ""

Check Scan strings that contain only SQL scripts checkbox if you want to scan those strings that contain only SQL statements such as "SELECT * FROM Sample".

Import translations from the original file

Specifies if and how translations from the original file are imported to the project. Possible values are:

Value Description
Never Do not import any value from the file to the project *)
Import a translation if there is no current value and the translation is not the same as original
Import value only if the current value in the project is empty, and the import value is not the same as the original value.
Import a translation if there is no current value Import value only if the current value in the project is empty.
Import a translation and overwrite the possible existing value in the project
Import value always even if the current value is not empty, and even if it is different than the imported value.
Note! This might overwrite the current values in the project with the values in the original file or database.

*) When you initially create a project, existing translations (if any) will be imported no matter what is the value of the above setting. These settings are only used when performing the second or later scan. This is visible only if the original file or database is multilingual.